Fun stuff,
Here are some samples of my work, and things I find interesting..
Fun stuff,
Here are some samples of my work, and things I find interesting..
Here is my first meditation that I posted on YouTube. This is a really neat one. We use heart brain coherence breathing to quiet the mind and heart and synchronize them, then we breathe in light and the energy of love and send healing to the world and the people around us.
Please try it and comment. I look forward to your feedback.
This is Divine Light Spiritual Church​'s Facebook page. You can scroll down to see the current events happening at the church. We always have something exciting to look forward to. I currently hold the role of President and governing official of DLSC. It is so exciting to be living spiritually. I teach classes through the church as well. For information on this, please see the church Website : DLSC.co. or email or text me :)
This is a reading I did with a lovely lady Its insightful and so much fun to watch.